Well, I'm back.. Obviously I won't be updating this as often as I wish I would because I'm back home and quite busy. On the other hand, I would like to continue to update this blog for the readers with what I'm doing and where I'm at in life. I will always have pictures posted here and I there will be trips at some point. Since I got back and got better from the cholera I got in Peru (yes that's what it was!), I have been searching for jobs (hopefully I will get one I really want with a great company) and CONSTANTLY partying with my friends. I'm really happy to be back in Puerto Rico, however, reconnecting takes a bit of time and effort. I've also been working with my

mom every now and then visiting schools in the interior of the island and been to many family gatherings. I had almost forgotten how much people get together with their families here. It's an every other day thing and I think it's great. Latin America made me realize and remember all of those things I had forgotten about while living away from everyone. Family, love and friendship are worth more than anything in life. Careers, money, and all that bullshit disappears and changes with time. It's great to be loaded (if you are) but it truly doesn't get you anywhere when you turn to yourself and become

introspective. Your family, your experiences, your friends and your surroundings mold who you are. All of you who know me, know that I believe that travel is the best education. Now that I'm here, I'm going to take advantage of the next best thing: family and friends. Hopefully, when there's some great new update, I'll let you all know. For now, enjoy the pictures I've been able to snap here at home. Puerto Rico has taken on a completely new perspective.
1 comment:
me parece muy bonito san juan. es q tambien me parece q las murallas las copiaste de cartagena y, claro, sin despreciar, pero nada q ver con las murallas de dubrovnik, nando. abrazo :)
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