Ok, this will probably be the most uninteresting blog entry to date. I have been in Lima for the past 4 days pretty much bored to tears. There is much to do in a city of 9 million people but because my friends Seeno and Meghan arrive today, I didn´t want to do much sightseeing here in Lima. I left off while I was still in Huaraz right before I left. I arrived the morning of the 17th here in Lima and went straight to my hostel. The hostel is called the Stop and Drop (
http://www.stopandrop.com/) and is owned by the coolest guy called José Antonio who is a freak. He is a surfer/paraglider/animal enthusiast/party animal/comedian. The hostel is located in the area of Miraflores (a suburb of Lima) that is pretty much the commercial center and fashion district for Lima. There is a beutiful cathedral and park in the center surrounded by

department stores, internet cafe´s, regular cafe´s, fancy restaurants, a small street called La Calle de las Pizzas, I mean, it´s the coolest area of Lima I think. Well really, it´s pretty much the only thing I´ve seen. The first few days, I walked around, went to another area called San Isidro and El Olivar which is a beautiful residential neighborhood with mansions and olive trees. It´s amazing! Now to the bad stuff.. Somewhere, somehow, I got some sort of bacteria lodged in my stomach that transformed me into a chicken if you know what I mean.. I know it´s gross but chicken´s go to the bathroom in only one way and that was me for 2 days. I went to the doctor and got an antibiotic, anti-diarrhea something, some weird liquid called suerito, and apple gatorade! I know, doctors give you apple gatorade as part of their prescription.. I´m good now which is what´s important..

These Peruvians have remedies for everything. Coca leaves for altitude and Apple Gatorade for diarrhea.. Anyway, remember the Peruvian couple I met in Máncora a few weeks ago? Well Luis and Melissa
met up with me yesterday and took me to the San Felipe fort in the area of El Callao in Lima which I will not take Seeno and Meghan so I chose to go with them. I met them in a place called Plaza San Miguel which is a shopping center so ultra modern and ritzy and fashionable you don´t think you are in Lima at all.. I keep being surprised by the fact that Peru is a country of HUGE contrasts. We spent the early afternoon at the fort and walked around and later had dinner on the shore of La Punta (a really nice neighborhood on a peninsula). I had rice and fish. Everything is ceviche and fish here so that´s all I´ve eaten in Lima. The cuisine is amazing.. Tonight I might have some Chifa which is a fusion of Chinese and Peruvian cuisines. It is incredibly common here and IS their answer to fast food. I still have not tried this famous chifa but will as soon as my friends arrive. This is almost like a renewal of my adventure now that familiar faces will do part of the journey with me. I told you this was going to be an incredibly boring blog entry. I have taken very few pictures since I lost my memory card, I have slept more than I´ve been awake in Lima and I was sick for 2 days straight without being able to leave my room. FUN FUN FUN in

Peru!! Tomorrow, I am going to swim with sea lions (seals) off the coast of Lima. There are literally THOUSANDS of sea lions and humboldt penguins and monday, I´m going sand surfing in the desert sand dunes of Ica so you will definitely get a good entry and many pictures after this one.. Look forward to it! Until the next entry my friends!

1 comment:
You, my son anre incredible. Can't wait to see you. I would like some of your pictures framed in my walls.
love, mom
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