Sunday 4 February 2007

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Well, the trip has come to its end. As one of my new favorite songs says, all good things must come to an end, it has all drawn to its close. I had the experience of a lifetime and seen things I would have never in a million years dreamt of seeing. As I write, I am getting ready to go to bed. My flight out of Lima is at 12 midnight the night of the 5th of February. I don´t know how to thank each and every one of you for your amazing messages and comments throughout my journey. I could not believe the amount of people following my travels and living through my experiences day in and day out. Mostly, I wanted to write this blog entry for those of you who followed me all the way. You have no idea how much I have appreciated the messages of excitement and fun, the requests for another blog ASAP, my parents and friends telling me how proud of me they were and random visitors telling me they were amazed by my photography. I am truly impressed with the outpouring of messages and really really thank you all. I remember starting out in Mexico as if it were yesterday. Today I find myself leaving Peru a changed person after having visited 11 countries and traveled over 3,000 miles I have realized how small it all is. We are all victims of our environment and for that reason, we are victims of ourselves. I have witnessed true victims first hand and seen how much we take for granted by living in the first world. I don´t want to write much since I am tired but I will say it isn´t the last you´ve heard of me. Next time I write, I´ll be home with my family in Puerto Rico and give you my thoughts in much more detail. Lots of love and safe travels to all..



Unknown said...

welcome back my puerto rican brother :)
rest now. everyone needs a vacation from vacation, but i'm not sure your's was a vacation, more like an expedition of sorts. You thinking of Asia next?

Anonymous said...


If you need some money I saw an article about this contracting company that does work for the DoD... and sends folks all over the world. I checked out the site and they have jobs in Puerto Rico:

Otherwise I'm fully expecting you to visit us in Paris! Welcome home! love Abita

Anonymous said...


Just could not see you after the flight because I was missing a paper and had to stay with officers for about an hour before letting me into the US again... You had your trouble in Lima, I had mine in Miami.

Do not forget that 2+2=4
